You Will Not Gaslight Me Anymore

You will not gaslight me anymore.

You will not tell me “you didn’t know.”
You will not tell me “you’re doing your best.”
You will not tell me “you didn’t mean to overlook us.”
You will not tell me “not all Asians feel that way.”

You will not tell me “you’re mad at the system that made us invisible to you.”
You will not tell me about your one Asian friend.
You will not tell me “I’m overreacting.”
You will not tell me to “calm down.”

You will not tell me “I’m being too sensitive.”
You will not tell me “other people have it way worse.”
You will not tell me “it’s not our time.”
You will not tell me “it’s not that bad.”

You will not mansplain me.
You will not rush me into forgiveness.
You will not tell me “it’s really hard for you.”
You will not tell me “you just don’t land there.”

You will not tell me it’s not your fault.”
You will not tell me “you didn’t do anything wrong.”
You will not tell me “there are so many racial groups and you can’t see them all.”
You will not tell me “you didn’t mean to.”

You will not tell me about your “good intentions.”
You will not blame me for your shame.
You will not make yourself the center of this conversation.
You will not make yourself the victim in this situation.

We come from the most populated continent in the world.

There have been 3,800+ hate crimes — and counting — committed against the Asian American community since the beginning of 2020. And that’s just in America. Those are just the incidents that have been reported.

Our community has been experiencing racial injustices since the 1800s.

This conversation is not about you.
This conversation is not about you.

You will not gaslight me anymore.

Jieun & GregComment